Each star’s light has its own colour signature. These stars have been named in the International Star Registry. I transferred the unique colour signature of the star's light into smoke and burnt it on the paper, so we can star gaze at it.

Star names include:

You will always be wanted by me

The Only Lie I Ever Told, I Never Loved You

I’m So, So, So, So, So Sorry, Katherine

You changed my world, Trev.

You are the battlefront

After Everything We Have Lost

You Are My Everything Derek


Be Kind Brenda

U R the shore when I am lost at sea



The Only Lie I Ever Told, I Never Loved You, 2020

You Will Always Be Wanted By Me

The Only Lie I Ever Told, I Never Loved You

You Are My Everything Derek

I’m So, So, So, So, So Sorry, Katherine